





Airports these days are big business. They are not just hubs built for effective people movement, but are myriads of entertainment, full of high-end shopping outlets, restaurants and leisure experiences. In fact, around half the revenue for airports comes from non-traffic and non-operational services, such as advertising, sponsored zones and retail spaces.

あらゆる面積が潜在的な稼ぎ頭となる今、空港は旅客の移動中、いつ、どこで、どのように収益を上げることができるかを熟知している。航空会社の着陸料やターミナル使用料といった明らかな航空収入に加え、空港は、旅行者を満足させることが収益を改善する確実な方法であることを知っている。旅客の満足度が1%上昇するだけでも、平均で次のような成長が見込まれる。 1.5%の成長の成長をもたらす。



ターミナル内での旅客の不安を解消することは、旅客の体験 を向上させるための重要なステップである。チェックインとセキュリティー・プロセスが、旅客の旅程中に最も高いレベルのストレスを喚起することはよく知られているが、この問題に取り組むためにスタッフを増員したり、大規模なサービスデスクを設置したりすることは、必ずしもビジネスにとって良いことではない。

When space, velocity and passenger expectation are considered key contributors to success, self-service technologies for check-in, bag-drop and biometric scanning are obvious solutions. They can help to minimize passenger stress by reducing check-in time by up to 40% and also expediate passenger flow towards the terminal airside, where psychologically passengers become more relaxed - and more likely to spend.

Airport Passenger Journey


But for airports that want to create their own process flows using a unique mix of hardware and software systems, what is the best solution to choose? By way of speed, accuracy and design - we think the Ink Totem kiosk is an excellent choice.

Packed with potential, the super thin and sleek Ink Totem kiosk is designed to support customer self-service in a number of settings and applications in the airport and beyond. Boarding with biometrics or a mobile phone scan couldn't be any easier - just look at the Ink Totem without stopping and it instantly gives a boarding result. The slim and stylish design takes only a fraction of the space of a traditional kiosk too, making it simple to fit into any environment and creating more space for the things that matter most – the passengers.


The Ink Totem is the latest product produced by Ink Innovation, a company that has been developing smarter airport solutions for 11 years. They currently have hardware installations in more than 10 airports across the globe and run software systems in over 100 airports. In their latest venture to develop one of the most space-saving airport kiosks in the world, Ink came up with the design by putting the customer’s satisfaction at the forefront.


He adds, “We care deeply about the difference our products make to passengers’ journeys to and through airports - and this is evident in the results of Ink Totem.”

Ink Totem Departures - Close Up



On a search for a custom solution, Ink discovered Neonode’s Touch Sensor Modules which are available in custom lengths. The sensor modules offered exceptional speed and accuracy and could be seamlessly integrated into the small display screen embedded in the Ink Totem. Configuration of the touch area could be completely customized so adjusting the application interface for bespoke airport needs was made possible – keeping it flexible for multiple uses at check-in, security or boarding. Ink also proclaimed that the added bonus was that the touch sensor modules could also make interaction with the screen completely touchless. Users could operate the screen by simply hovering their fingers above the screen without the need to touch it – which added value in terms of cleanliness and user experience.





搭乗ゲートを越えて、Ink Totemは空港全体のセルフサービスアプリケーションの可能性を生み出します。有望なアプリケーションの1つは、Ink Totemにカードリーダーを追加して、小売スペースでセルフサービスPOS端末として使用することです。

Ink Totem can also be used with facial recognition to grant access to airline lounges or any controlled area, making it effortless for ground crew, airline staff and passengers to verify their identities for smooth and safe movement through the airport. For added security, Ink Totem can also be equipped with finger vein biometrics technology, which identifies a person by the unique pattern of the vein in their finger — something that’s nearly impossible to fake.

And let us not to forget the arrival – another part of the traveler’s journey that tops the list of anxiety provoking processes. Ink Totem could be used give passengers the control over their ongoing journeys when booking hotels, arranging holiday excursions, renting a car or ordering a taxi.


Ink Innovation is a provider of a unique ecosystem of blockchain, biometrics, mobile and cloud systems for the travel industry and other organizations to improve operational flow and transform passengers’ experiences and journeys worldwide. Learn more at innovation.ink


ユーリク・シュワブは、Ink Innovationのハードウェア・システム部門の責任者として、Inkのハードウェア製品に最高の品質と性能を提供する責任を担っています。ユーリクは、コンセプトから製品導入に至るまで、プロジェクトとエンジニアリング・チームを管理してきた実績があります。彼は、ロジスティクスおよび運輸、航空会社の地上業務、ツアーオペレーターおよびホテル業界で経験を積み、主にオペレーションおよび地上サービスの管理に注力してきました。インク入社以前は、複数の航空会社やハンドリング会社に勤務し、さまざまな部門にわたるサービスや業務の開発に携わった。その間に、プロジェクト分析、ITシステム分析および開発の経歴を強化するとともに、リーダーシップと管理能力を身につけた。

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