




パンデミックによって最も大きな打撃を受けた産業のひとつは、間違いなく旅行・観光産業である。国際線旅客数は 60%の減少パンデミックが最初に襲った2020年には、国際線旅客数は60%の激減に見舞われた。 旅客数は、パンデミック前の2019年と比較できる前年比レベルにまで回復した。2019年のパンデミック前と比較すると

The International Air Transport Association (IATA), who supports aviation with global standards for airline safety, security, efficiency and sustainability, are working on a roadmap together with Airports Council International (ACI) to rebuild confidence in air travel safety while ensuring it is not a vector for the spread of COVID-19 or other pathogens.



Neonode has been working hard to facilitate a quick transformation to safer terminals using contactless touch technology. Our ambition is to minimize human-to-human contact and reduce the risk of spreading disease through touching public surfaces (both landside and airside) and even onboard the aircraft. Together with our partners, our technology has already been implemented in airports around the world. Some great examples can be seen at Changi Airport in Singapore and Hamad International Aiport in Qatar where exisiting infrastructure was quickly transformed into touchless solutions in a response to new passenger demands.


A study conducted by the ACI regarding world airport digital transformation found that dedicated innovation teams exist at 6 in 10 airports. Airport leaders acknowledge that business success is not just about the deployment of new technologies, instead, success is about transforming the entire business of airports - adapting to customers, employees and cultures to meet targeted objectives and goals.


  1. Parallel plane solution which creates an interactive area above or in front of a display or surface

  2. Holographic solution which creates touch interaction on an in-air display



Changi Airport Kiosk


Neonode Touch Sensor Modules provide a high degree of design freedom and are suitable for ground and in-air applications.



  • セルフサービス・チェックイン・キオスク

  • セルフサービスの手荷物預け入れターミナル

  • エレベーターのキーパッド

  • 自動販売機

  • レストランやショップのセルフオーダーシステム

  • デジタルサイネージ



  • 機内エンターテイメントのスクリーンを非接触型タッチパネルに変更する:

    • 表面に触れることなくコントロールできるエンターテインメント

    • 大陸間フライトで食事と飲み物がデジタル注文可能に

    • 画面内での免税ショッピング

  • 客室乗務員が手袋やPPTを使用して作業しやすいように、調理室の操作画面を変更し、機内全体に細菌が広がるのを防ぐ。




非接触タッチ技術の詳細 非接触タッチ技術または お問い合わせまでご連絡ください。

About ICAO
ICAO is funded and directed by 193 national governments to support their diplomacy and cooperation in air transport as signatory states to the Chicago Convention (1944). Its core function is to maintain an administrative and expert bureaucracy (the ICAO Secretariat) supporting these diplomatic interactions, and to research new air transport policy and standardization innovations as directed and endorsed by governments through the ICAO Assembly, or by the ICAO Council which the assembly elects.
Visit: www.icao.int

About IATA
The International Air Transport Association (IATA) is the trade association for the world’s airlines, representing some 290 airlines or 82% of global air traffic. IATA supports many areas of aviation activity and help formulate industry policy on critical aviation issues.
Visit: www.iata.org